POP-UPS: The search engines DO NOT allow popups or exit page links. Disconnect any popups before placing your order for internet marketing. If you have disabled the browser "back" button, it must be functional.
LANGUAGE: Your website must be authored in English. If you have a multi-language website please provide an address which opens the site by default in English
REFUND POLICY: We offer a money-back guarantee if we cannot initially position your website for any reason other than those cited in our terms and conditions, and will refund your payment. This refund policy does not apply to intermittent service outages. Service is provided on the .com, not country code, versions of the search engines. Otherwise all orders are final.
CANCELLATION POLICY: The minimum term is 4 weeks. No cancellations for a lesser period will be accepted and no prorated refunds will be given.
ENTIRE AGREEMENT: The search engines terms & conditions are current as of this writing. As a 3rd party provider, we have no control over content search engines will allow, therefore we reserve the right to terminate service without prior notice, providing a refund for the unused term of service, if any. This is the sum total of the entire agreement between the parties. No other representations apply, we do not warrant, promise or guarantee any specific result from the use of this service.
UNACCEPTABLE USE: Clicking through to your site on the keywords we provide is an unacceptable use, as is encouraging others to do so. We reserve the right to suspend service if we find this is occurring, without refund. Your website may not appear every time a user enters one of your keywords.
UNACCEPTABLE CONTENT: Search engines prohibit sites in the following categories such as gambling, pharmacy, guns, knives, warez, and cannabis and tech support to name a few. This includes websites linking to sites with this content. And make sure you have proof for any claims made.
CREDIT CARD CHARGEBACKS: Credit card Charge Backs happen when a customer requests a charge reversal with their credit card company. Most charge backs are due to unrecognizable transactions on the customer billing statement. Most companies list the sellers phone number next to the charged amount on the customers statement. Please call the number posted if you do not recognize the charge and a customer service representative would be happy to clarify the service(s) purchased.
RANKINGS: All rankings promised are in the sponsored, not algorithmic, part of the .com version of the search engine's page and are calculated on a 4 week average. Rankings and usage as reported by the search engines is the final measure of our service. We do NOT support Google analytics and the appearance of any extensions is conditional on factors beyond our control.
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